CTIS Senior Projects Poster Days

On Monday, April 30 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., the Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems (CTIS) will hold its annual Senior Projects Poster Days for 2012. The event will take place on East Campus, in C Building, on the top floor.

Twenty-one teams of senior students -- 81 students in total -- will present their software projects to the public. This includes CTIS students, visitors from the software industry and all interested Bilkenters.

Approximately a week before their project demonstrations, teams will have a chance to get feedback on the results of their work. Evaluation of the posters will also be an important factor in determining who will receive the CTIS System Development Award for 2012.

During Poster Days, the seven months of hard effort that the students have devoted to developing high-quality software projects will be recognized by guests from the Turkish software industry. Almost a quarter of the projects are supervised by companies working in related areas.