Games Editor: Hale Nur Kazaçeşme (MATH/V)


This puzzle is made up of two Sudoku puzzles. For each 9x9 section, normal Sudoku rules apply: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Submit the contents of the column outlined in red for a chance to win.

We apologize to all for the mistake in last week's puzzle. In the version printed, although you could find the column outlined in red to be 412 358 697 214 835, the whole puzzle had no solution. Thanks to Umar Raza for pointing this out.

Send in your e-mail to puzzle@bilkent.edu.tr with the right answer and win! Prizes will be: dessert and coffee from Mozart Cafe (one each for three winners); coffee from Coffee Break (two each for two winners); and hot chocolate from Cafe Fiero (one each for five winners).