CTIS Award Ceremony

The Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems (CTIS) held its annual award ceremony on Thursday, May 9 in Mithat Çoruh Auditorium. Team and individual awards in six categories were presented to a total of 18 students. Ten companies, most of them represented on the CTIS Advisory Board, sponsored the awards.

Rector Abdullah Atalar made opening remarks at the ceremony, in which he stressed the importance of innovation, knowledge and entrepreneurship. After this, School of Applied Technology and Management Director Kamer Rodoplu and CTIS Department Chair Erkan Uçar spoke. Next came a multimedia show of over an hour, which included videos depicting CTIS senior students' memories of their time at Bilkent and made a great impact on the audience.

The award ceremony was followed by a reception, at which guests had a chance to get detailed information from students about their Senior Project posters.