Suat Kılıç Meets with Bilkent Students


Samsun Deputy and Vice President of Justice and Development Party (AKP) parliamentary group Suat Kılıç visited Bilkent University on Wednesday, February 23 to discuss the view of AKP of constitutional change in a conference organized by Genç Hukukçular Kulübü.

Kılıç emphasized that the main objective of their party is to make Turkey one of the most developed countries by 2023 (Centennial of the Turkish Republic). He said "We can only accomplish this with the commitments of young population." Kılıç reminded that the minimum age to be elected has been reduced to 25. He told that in response to this change more and more young must generate ideas to resolve Turkey's problems whatever their ideology is.

"There would not be any economic development without trust in the law," said Kılıç. He said that any action taken by their party is in the name of law and democracy.

Deputy Kılıç wanted young people to diminish the walls of fear around them. He told that former generations lost their youth because of these meaningless fears, such as possible attacks from Greece, invasion by Syria or Iraq, etc. "Turkey is not a country which will fall down in any wind."

On a question about the alcohol ban, deputy Kılıç shared the details of the law to relieve the concerns of young people. He said that there is no such law that bans alcohol consumption or purchase for people under age 24. The law only prohibits the free distribution of alcohol to young people in events sponsored by beverage companies since the World Health Organization reported that young people are prone to uncontrolled consumption when they have free access to alcohol.

Deputy Kılıç concluded his speech by thanking Genç Hukukçular Kulübü for their invitation. Bilkent students showed their sensitivity and interest in current policy both by the quality of the questions they asked and their attitudes during the conference.