Donations Needed for UNICEF Sale
The UNICEF Volunteers Committee will soon be holding a fundraising fair, with all proceeds going to UNICEF. Those who would like to contribute, may bring good-quality secondhand items including books, clothing and kitchen and household goods, or homemade treats such as jam, muffins and pies.
The fair will be held from December 14 to December 16 on Main Campus.
If you would like to contribute by donating food, clothing or household items, please contact the organizers.
Annual UNICEF Fair
Dates: December 14, 15, 16 (10 a.m.-5 p.m.)
Location: Student Dormitory 69, Activity Room
For donations:
Murat Yılmaz (507) 704-4764
Yıldız Kuruoğlu ext. 1348
Nilgün Baray ext. 1688
All donations will go toward an excellent cause and will be greatly appreciated.