FBA Students to Help Market Eskişehir

The Faculty of Business Administration organized a study trip to Eskişehir on March 3 for students in the Marketing Strategy and Innovation course. The trip took place as part of a project that requires students to analyze Eskişehir Municipality's marketing program using the theoretical concepts learned in the course. Based on the analysis, students will develop a series of strategic marketing initiatives aimed at encouraging intercity tourism to Eskişehir. At the end of the semester, students will present their ideas to municipal administrators.

Thirty-two students were welcomed by Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality, and a presentation was given by Jale Nur Sullu, head of the Social Services Department, on the complex strategic development undertaken by the municipality since 2002 and plans for future development.

The students also had a city tour, which included an extensive overview of Eskişehir's ancient history, with a visit to the archeology museum. Plus, they enjoyed Eskişehir's specialties, çiğ börek (in Tatar "tasty") and met helvası, and a visit to the city amusement park, which is still being built.