Ex Libris: News from the Library

This week, on Thursday, March 15, Dr. Kadire Zeynep Sayım of the Management Department will deliver the first Library Lunchtime Lecture for the spring semester, entitled "The Wisdom of Group-Work." The focus of this talk will be raising awareness about the use and advantages of group-work in teaching as well as "real life" situations, looking at the following questions in particular: Why have groups (or teams) become one of the significant structural elements in organizations? What are the potential advantages of working in groups/teams? Given that those advantages are a result of the processes involved in group-work, what are some of the possible challenges, usually experienced when these processes are not managed successfully? How can these challenges be turned into benefits? While discussing these questions, specific reference to current and evolving research on and about group-work will be made. The lecture will take place in the Main Campus Library Art Gallery at 12:40-1:30 p.m. and will be in English.

Lunchtime refreshments will be provided.

We would also like to remind everyone about our Library Week writing competition, which is open to all Bilkent undergraduates. The last day for submissions is this Friday, March 16, so hurry if you're planning to enter the competition! You can write a short essay, 1,000-1,500 words in length in Turkish or English, on the topic "The Library." The winning submission will be announced on March 30. For more information, please see our website or email us at kutuphanehaftasi@bilkent.edu.tr. Once again, good luck to all competitors.