"Essentials of Advertising" Workshop
Next week, March 25-28, the Marketing & Advertising Club (MAD) will organize a workshop on the essentials of advertising. Faculty members from COMD, GRA and MAN will speak about topics including "Advertising from the Company Side," "Ad Strategy & Development Concepts," "Visual Creativity," "Designing a Campaign" and "Ad Evaluation." In addition, the SVStudios advertising agency will offer a detailed analyis of their latest ad campaign for Beğendik Çayyolu. Following the sessions, participants will have the opportunity to create an ad campaign and have their work evaluated by a jury.
Everyone interested in advertising is invited to the workshop. Those who attend a sufficient portion of the activities will receive a certificate of participation. Also, students taking GE250/251 who attend all of the sessions will receive 170 points.
For more information, you may follow twitter.com/madbilkent and facebook.com/madbilkent and/or send an e-mail to mad@ug.bilkent.edu.tr. (Those not taking GE250/251 may also register via e-mail.)