Brainstorm and Win Prizes

CaseBilkent is coming to change Bilkent with a unique case study competition concept and spectacular awards.

CaseBilkent is a case study competition annually organized by the Operational Research Club. Every year, a different case topic related to the improvement of Bilkent is determined before the competition process.

Teams formed by 3 people present their ideas to the jury members from both the academic and business worlds at the final competition, held in FF Building on April 3. As in previous years, winning ideas will be presented to the University Administration.

The CaseBilkent competition is open to all Bilkent University students regardless of department or year of study.

Prizes for the 2011 competition are:

Winning team: Apple iPAD for teach member;
Runners Up: Leadership education from ITEC Business School
1 lucky audience member: 100 TL voucher from MediaMarkt
For detailed information: