UNAM Wins National Medical Systems Project Awards

Two winners of the annual SEIS (Türkiye Sağlık Endüstrisi İşverenleri Sendikası) National Medical Systems Project Awards went to UNAM National Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology of Bilkent University in 2011. The "Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging System" developed by the research group of Dr. Aykutlu Dana won first prize, while the project titled "Nanofibers Inducing Improved Recovery of Scars" by Dr. Mustafa Özgür Güler and Dr. Ayşe Begüm Tekinay won third prize.

The Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) imaging system developed by Dr. Dana and his students is used to measure molecular binding on metallic surfaces. Using the system, the presence and interactions of biomolecules such as proteins, DNA, or RNA can be monitored. Monitoring of such molecules and their interactions has wide applications in diagnosis and other fields related to molecular biology. The system can be used in a large number of fields, including drug development, diagnosis, and environmental monitoring. Although similar systems exist in the market, these are typically expensive and are imported. Development of such a system domestically reduces dependence on imports and gives an important economic advantage, thereby enabling greatly increased research capability in related fields. The team that developed the system consists of M.S. and Ph.D. students currently pursuing degrees at UNAM. The team spent considerable effort in developing the system, working on optical, mechanical, electronics, microfluidic, and software components. The result is a portable SPR system that can be operated by a netbook through a simple USB connection. The team is now working on developing further portable analytical systems that can find application in on-site chemical analysis and sensing.

SEIS, established in 2003, aims to support companies in the field of medical systems for sustainable and profitable operation and growth. SEIS also represents the sector in the determination of national health policies.