Guidelines for Op-Ed Submissions


Op-Ed is journalism-speak for opinions and editorials. Editors (us) write editorials. Editorials are not signed pieces, and they represent the views of the newspaper and its publishers. You are reading an editorial right now.
Readers (you) write opinion pieces, which can be letters to the editors (again, us) about stories that Bilkent News has published; they can also be submissions of your opinion about any topic relevant to the subjects Bilkent News covers: pretty much anything important to any member of the Bilkent community (again, you).
Now, understand that Bilkent News is not going to print anything you say just because you say it. A newspaper has a responsibility to every member of the community to report using the language of reasoned argument and discourse.
Please send your submissions, and do keep them passionate and alive with your concerns, but Bilkent News will not publish any opinion, news, or feature article that is defamatory, contains factual errors, or solicits political participation in a specific issue (we encourage everyone to vote, but please keep it private).

We'll help you say what you want to say in English, and we'll publish your opinions even if we don't agree with what you say, but Bilkent News reserves the right to reject any opinion piece based on inappropriate tone, lack of reasoned support, or inflammable rhetoric.