Bilkent News Picture Challenge

I Know Where You've Been


Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the first two games of our picture hunt. Last week's answer was "The Light of Science," the ceramic figure on the library front, which actually is related to our previous answer, "The Science Tree." The common thing between these two works is the artist: Hamiye Çolakoğlu. She is one of the greatest artists in Turkey, and you really should Google her name to find out more about her (you can also have a short visit to our Engineering Building to see another work of hers, again located on the walls).

Çolakoglu speaks about "The Light of Science" and "The Science Tree":

"I am looking out from one of the classes of Bilkent University where I give lectures. It is a cold February day, yet  nature is alive. There are tiny little snowflakes blowing in the wind; it's warm inside, and there is a slight mist on the window. Distant hills covered with white. … I am having dreams in the depths of the two things that stand out from the spot I am standing on. These are ‘The Light of Science’ and ‘The Science Tree.’ One shines on the out front of the universal library of Bilkent University and the other, just opposite to the first, shows the way to people like a sentinel."

After sending our blessings to this great artist, let's see what we have got for this week. My advice to you is not to miss these opportunities to have a unique lunch or to have a free coffee break, because I cannot promise that solving the puzzle will always be as easy as this.

So, you know the deal: Guess where I've been this week, and win the prize.

Prizes will be:

The first correct answer wins coffee from Coffee Break.
The 15th correct answer wins lunch for one from Le Piment Rouge.