Barrier-Free Classroom Project Offers Hope to Visually Impaired High School Students

One of the Social Awareness Projects (TDP), GÖREP (Görme Engelliler Eğitimi Projesi - Education for the Blind Project), is dedicated to assisting high school students who have congenital or acquired vision problems. In cooperation with the "Barrier-Free Classroom" project organized by Uygar Görme Engelliler Derneği in Kızılay, volunteers help visually impaired high school students prepare for the University Entrance Exam (ÖSS). Volunteers and students also have the chance to enjoy conversing with each other and sharing pleasant moments.

Over the years, the efforts of GÖREP volunteers have helped many students enter Bilkent and other universities. In order to continue this tradition of service by GÖREP, Uygar Görme Engelliler Derneği and the Barrier-Free Classroom project, the organization is seeking more volunteers. Individuals who would like to participate can volunteer on Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays. This semester, GÖREP has plenty of activities planned, including Goalball, a team sport for visually impaired athletes.

By joining GÖREP, you will be able to experience the true meaning of our motto, "Respect Differences." Only two hours of volunteer work per week are required. By spending even a little time with these incredible students, you will learn that they are capable of teaching many lessons about life. They are ambitious, curious and eager for new experiences, despite the obstacles they face.

If you would like to be part of this project, please feel free to contact: