At the Library: "Bir Ankara Nostalji" and a "Poem Aquarium"

On October 16, well-known journalist Yaşar Sökmensüer will be delivering a talk entitled "Bir Ankara Nostaljisi" at the Library as part of the series "Türk Yazarları Bilkent'te" (Turkish Writers at Bilkent). Prof. Sökmensüer's talk will take place at 1 p.m. on Tuesday in the Art Gallery of Main Campus Library and will be in Turkish.

This week, the student Edebiyat Kulübü set up a "Poem Aquarium" inside the entrance to Main Campus Library. Here, you will find copies of poems, in Turkish and English, which you can read as you enter or leave the Library, and even take with you if you wish. The supply of poems will be renewed every week.